Shared experiences
Who hasn’t experienced the following: you would like to visit a great concert or a vernissage at the museum, but yout friends and family don’t have to accompany you or they prefer to do something else in their spare time. As it is no fun doing it on one’s own, in the end people may often refrain from a visit. It can be especially challenging for socially disadvantaged individuals to participate and feel integrated in cultural activities. Our aim is to enable exchange between people of all ages and from different backgrounds. By oranizing joint cultural activities, we want to strenghten and connect people, helping them to find their place in society.
Participate now
KulturLegi holders aged 18 and over are invited to find like-minded companions for their next visit to the cinema, the theatre, a museum or a concert. Of course there are also other possibilities like a reading, a walk in the park or even a bicycle trip. On this page you can find the event tips from our KulturLegi guides. In addition to that, you can suggest events for which you are looking for company. A valid KulturLegi is needed to participate in this program. Except for the individual entrance fees, these offers are free of charge.
Your suggestions will be forwarded to our KulturLegi guides. The possible realization is dependent on current Covid-19-measures.
I wish to be accompanied to the following event: